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How to prevent ducks swimming in your pool
Who doesn’t love the idea of a little family of ducks waddling around your yard? While the thought might be nice, the reality of those ducks living and swimming in your pool is less than ideal.
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A guide to basic spa care
Have you recently purchased a new spa, or just need a refresher on how to properly maintain it? This blog will help you understand the key steps and products you’ll need to perform basic spa care. If you’d prefer to watch and listen, you can find our Guide to Spa Care video here.
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How to clean my salt cell?
Most swimming pools in Australia and New Zealand are salt. This means that the salt added to your water, is converted to chlorine through your saltwater chlorinator, or salt cell. The converted chlorine kills bacteria in the water and keeps your water sanitised.
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How To Clean Your Filter With BioGuard Filter Brite
The filter is a vital part of your pool equipment. To ensure it continues to operate effectively, it will require regular cleaning.
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Spa Cleaning
The filter is a vital part of your pool equipment. To ensure it continues to operate effectively, it will require regular cleaning.
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Smart pool tips for the silly season
During the Christmas holidays, families and swimming pools go together like turkey and stuffing. It’s probably the biggest workout your pool will have in the year. So, let us help you make the most of the fun, frolics and festive season with some simple dos and don’ts.
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Why do I need to know my pool's volume?
You’ll notice that all your pool chemical dosage rates are based on how many litres are in your pool. But why is it important to know your pool’s volume?
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A filter media 200 percent better than sand
When choosing filter media (sand or glass), there are a few things you’ll want achieve: low operating costs, safe water (no bacteria), clear water, healthy air and sustainability.