'Tis the season of the spa!

As the temperature drops, turn the thermostat up! For lots of us, winter is spa season. Even if you're in a part of the country that experiences freezing temperatures, there can be nothing like immersing yourself in that bubbling warm water – and letting the jets blow away the chills!
But like most of us, your spa may have been a bit neglected over the warmer months, so you may need to do a bit of preppin' before you step in.
1. If your spa has a cover, remove and clean
Just give it a good rub down with warm water and a squeeze of detergent then a good rinse off. It's a good idea to recover the spa between winter dips – it'll keep organic matter out, and some of the temperature in.
2. Replace the water
Even if you did the right thing and treated the water over the warmer months, you'll need to replace the water for winter. (You ought to replace the water every 3 months anyway.)
While you're refilling, add BioGuard SPA Defence. This will help protect your spa's equipment and prevent staining of the spa's surface by metals in the water.
3. Follow the manufacturer's advice
Every spa comes with manufacturer's directions on how to prep the spa for use. Follow these, and once the spa is filled, add BioGuard SPA Crystal Clear. Allow the water to circulate for about five minutes and guess what – the water will be crystal clear!
Follow this with the correct mineral balancing chemicals, or make life super simple by using BioGuard SPA Perfect Balance and control your pH, Total Alkalinity and calcium all in one easy step!
4. Purify and sanitise
Turn on the jets and let the water circulate for 30 minutes or so. Then add BioGuard SPA Purity to oxidise the water, followed by the initial dose of sanitiser, as detailed in the manufacturer's start-up guide. Then check the water's balance – you should have a chlorine residual of 2–3 ppm or bromine residual of 4–6 ppm.

5. A good optional extra
Everyone loves the silky-smooth feel of the water from BioGuard SPA Velvet, which also reduces the chemicals you need to use.

6. Don't forget the filter
It's an important but easy job to do. Try and clean your filter every 4-6 weeks. Just pull it from the spa and remove any debris, then let it soak for an hour in a clean plastic bucket, in a solution of 1 parts BioGuard Spa Filter Renew, and 3 parts water, then rinse thoroughly.
It's always a good idea to take a sample of your spa water into your local BioGuard Approved Retailer. And if you have any questions at all, they'll be only too happy to help.